How to do a good job in the maintenance of the fruit and vegetable washing machine?

In the course of daily use, timely maintenance and maintenance are very important to the equipment. Good maintenance can not only reduce the failure rate of the equipment, but also prolong the service life of the equipment. Many vegetable cleaning and processing equipment are often damaged prematurely due to lack of good maintenance. Want better To protect the cleaning equipment, we should do some work in the later stage. How to do a good job in the maintenance of the fruit and vegetable cleaning machine? The maintenance of the vegetable washing machine must first turn off the power switch to keep the equipment in the shutdown state. 1. Belt adjustment: In the middle of the two pulleys, the compression amount of the belt with fingers (middle finger and index finger) is 7-12mm as the standard value. If it is greater than the standard value, adjust the idler pulley to the specified tightness. 2. Chain adjustment: Press the chain with fingers (middle finger and index finger) in the middle of the two sprockets. The compression amount is 4-9mm as the standard value. If it exceeds the standard value, adjust the idler wheel to the specified tightness.Bag Jelly and juice pasteurization machine (1)

Post time: May-05-2023